Transportation Performance Management for Systems Operations

Sponsored by the Georgia Department of Transportation (GDOT), this project assesses Transportation Systems Operation and Management (TSMO) best practices at the strategic, program and tactical levels.  It surveys the status of TSMO at GDOT, offers recommendations to move the agency to the next level of TSMO based on the Capability Maturity Model (CMM), and, develops an analytic tool for reporting on transportation system performance (PM3) measures. 

Recent National Surface Transportation Legislation, MAP-21 (Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century) and FAST (Fixing America’s Surface Transportation), formally introduced a performance-based approach to decision making on the nation’s surface transportation system.  The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) defines Transportation Performance Management (TPM) as a strategic approach that uses system information to make investment and policy decisions to achieve national performance goals.  The FHWA released rules establishing TPM measures in June 2017.  All states, metropolitan planning organizations, and public transportation agencies must develop plans to document strategies and investments to address performance needs, incorporate these into the transportation planning and decision-making process, establish and report on targets for each measure, and make significant progress toward achieving these targets. 

Developed using Python and based on equations developed and/or endorsed by the FHWA, the PM3 tool calculates and reports on six performance measures.  It calculates measures for travel time reliability on interstate and non-interstate National Highway System (NHS) routes, truck travel time reliability, and annual hours of peak-hour excessive delay per capita, and reports on percent of non-SOV travel, and total emission reductions.  It uses data sources from the National Performance Management Research Data Set (NPMRDS), GDOT, the U.S. National Census and the CMAQ Public Access Database.  The review of the literature highlights the importance of strategic, programmatic and tactical-level TSMO to enhance transportation system performance systematically

Research Team:

Dr. Adjo Amekudzi-Kennedy (PI), Dr. Russel Clark (Co-PI), Dr. Jeffrey Wilson (Computer Programmer), Prerna Singh (Graduate Researcher)


Transportation System, Operations, Management


Technical Report: Transportation Performance Management for System Operations: Development of Processes, Tools, Measures and Targets