Dr. Adjo Amekudzi-Kennedy

Frederick Law Olmsted Professor

Associate Chair, Global Engineering Leadership & Entrepreneurship

School of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Georgia Institute of Technology

Atlanta, GA 30332-0355

Tel: 404-385-3754

Email: adjo.amekudzi@ce.gatech.edu

URL: https://ce.gatech.edu/people/Faculty/391/overview

Professor Adjo Amekudzi-Kennedy’s research, teaching and professional activities focus on civil infrastructure decision making to promote smart, resilient and sustainable development. She studies complex real-world systems and develops infrastructure decision support systems, knowledge bases and tools to support sustainable development.  Amekudzi-Kennedy earned a Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering (Structures) from Stanford University (1994), a Master of Science in Civil Engineering (Transportation) from Florida International University (1996); a Master of Science in Civil Infrastructure Systems (1997), and a Ph.D. in Civil and Environmental Engineering (Infrastructure Systems) from Carnegie Mellon University (1999).  She directs the Infrastructure Research Group at Georgia Tech (www.irg.ce.gatech.edu), a group that develops thought leaders on civil infrastructure systems for smart and sustainable development.  IRG@GT focuses on the study, development and application of systems methods to manage civil infrastructure as assets for sustainable development.  Kennedy has developed undergraduate and graduate courses in Systems Engineering, Transportation Asset Management, and Sustainable Development Modeling and Planning, published extensively on these subjects, and has served and serves on several related advisory boards and expert panels including the Board on Infrastructure and the Constructed Environment (BICE, U.S. National Research Council), the International Panel for Climate Change (IPCC, United Nations), and the UREx Sustainability Research Network.  She serves on the editorial boards for the International Journal of Sustainable Transportation and Transportation in Developing Economies.  Kennedy is the founding chair of the Committee on Sustainability and the Environment of the American Society of Civil Engineers’ Transportation and Development Institute.  She serves as Associate Chair for Global Engineering Leadership and Entrepreneurship in the School of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Georgia Tech, with responsibilities for managing and expanding the School’s international, leadership and entrepreneurship education programs and impact.  She is co-founder of the Global Engineering Leadership Minor at Georgia Tech.  Kennedy is a fellow of the American Society of Civil Engineers and a member of the National Academy of Construction.  In her leisure time, she enjoys spending time with family, playing the piano and painting.